Geeking Out

  • The Veronica Mars movie Kickstarter has reached its goal, but you should still check out the campaign page because the video is delightful.
  • Disney shorts are back, with Mickey Mouse’s Croissant de Triomphe, and it’s totally adorable.
  • Venture Bros. is returning May 19th, and here’s a sneak peek at the new season.
  • Here’s a tiiiiny teaser (in French) for Catching Fire.
  • This amazing piece of furniture will seriously mess with your sense of reality.
  • One of Doctor Who‘s most famous lost episodes, “The Tenth Planet” has been made into an animation, and i09 has a preview.
  • Leonard Nimoy’s (writing as Spock) response to a 1968 letter from a teenage girl will probably make you cry. (Good tears, naturally.)
  • Ghostwriter, WORD! Finally, we get some closure on Ghostwriter’s identity after all these years. With the upcoming DVD release of this perfect show – multi-ethnic cast, reading, writing, and SLEUTHING! – it may be time to make pen necklaces again.
  • Ever wonder how they got Tony Stark’s Arc Reactor to really look like it’s part of his flesh? Hint: IT WASN’T CGI.
  • A somewhat cleaner, more efficient and definitely aesthetically pleasing method to demolish a building, brought to you by Japan.
  • What time is it? Star Wars watches time!
  • Oh look, it’s everything that we didn’t want for an iPhone case.
  • You know you want to: Stormtrooper Burlesque. Pics NSFW.
  • Speaking of NSFW: How would different video game characters have sex? We had a chuckle or two over the scenarios. The video being in French somehow made it even better.
  • handy chart for how to properly refer to groups of people, women in particular.
  • We appreciate Curie, Lovelace, and Goodall, but here are six pioneering women in science you should know about.
  • There’s not one right answer about how to get girls interested in STEM, but teachers have great opportunities to help close the gap.
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