Reader Mailbag is open: Costuming

Hello friends of Geekquality! Tonight, at 7pm Pacific time, we’ll be gathering to record episode 4 of our podcast. The topic for this episode is to discuss costuming, from our favorite costume and armor designs in films, TV, games, comics, etc, to cosplay and issues cosplayers experience at conventions, to ongoing flaws in costume design across various geek media.

This is your opportunity to participate. Drop us a question or comment relating to our topic (or comments/questions of general nature relating to our project) in our Tumblr Ask box, comment here, or email If you send your question in before 7pm Pacific time, we will pick a couple of questions or comments to respond to on the podcast.

Sorry for the last minute nature: We JUST thought up of this, and if it works out, this may end up being a regular feature of our recordings.

We’d love to hear from you!

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